How to write more reliable code - Egor Bredikhin - Meeting C++ 2018
- Guidelines
- Unit tests
- Code reviews
- Static analysis
- Dynamic analysis
- Mordern C++
其實這點簡單來說就是目前已經有不少文章 / 書在講 coding 時的一些小原則 (像是 effective C++),遵從那些原則就能減少出 bug 的可能性。演講中有列出來的是下面這些
- C++ Core guidelines
- Awesome Modern C++
- C++ Best Practices
- 42 tips on C++
- Google Coding Standard
- NASA Software Safety Guidebook
Unit Tests
這個大概已經說到爛了,其中 TDD (Test-Driven Design) 算是滿常拿出來講的東西,總結一下他的結論的話是這些優點:
- TDD allows to find problems early
- Facilitates changes (regression testing)
- Encourages the creation of independent components
- Tests act like a documentation
- You cannot test every execution path
- Writing good realistic tests is time and effort consuming
- Some problems cannot be easily tested-Platform differences
- Code for unit tests is at least as buggy as the code it is testing
- Google Test
- Boost.Test
- CppUnit
- Catch
- QTest
Code Reviews
- Complicated errors could be detected (跟缺點第二點相呼應 XD)
- A better solution could be proposed (畢竟人有經驗)
- Educates team members (這我是覺得有點硬塞就是 XD)
- High cost (畢竟超花時間)
- Human reliability (我是覺得這算優點也是缺點就是,呼應優點第一點)
Static Analysis
靜態分析相關的工具其實已經有不少了,簡單來說就是在程式執行前把你的程式碼掃一遍,從中分析有那些問題 (像是型別轉換、沒有 return, dead code, array out of bound 這類),雖然不能保證執行時不會有問題 (比方說 multithread 這種),但是能減少一定的潛在風險 (不過也有可能誤報,或是你是故意的...)。優點:
- Covers all program branches
- Detects misprints, copy-paste errors, and stuff (算是這類方法最適用的問題)
- Performs control-flow and data-flow analysis
- Platform independent
- Some analyzers have a knowledge base
- False positives (他說沒錯不代表真的沒錯 XD)
- Not so good in detecting memory leaks, parallel errors
- Clang Static Analyzer& Clang Tidy
- CppCheck
- Coverity (目前公司在用的就是這套)
- Klockwork
- PVS-Studio
Dynamic Analysis
執行時期能分析的問題是甚麼? 當然就是 memory 相關的問題啦,只是通常這種就是在執行階段去監視程式的執行狀況,速度一定會被拉慢好幾倍就是優點:
- Detects leaks and memory corruption
- Detects parallel errors (race conditions, deadlocks and stuff)
- Detects uninitialized variables
- Almost no false positives
- Still needs a set of tests to run on
- Checks only executed paths
- Sometimes it’s difficult to trace the exact place in code with an error
- Slow and demanding
- Dynamic binary instrumentation
- Valgrind(Memcheck), Hellgrind (Valgrind 應該滿多人用的? 畢竟是 open source 的 tool)
- Dr.Memory
- Intel Inspector
- Compile-time instrumentation (這東西我最近才知道,還沒試過)
- Address sanitizer (use after free, use after return, oob, leaks
- Memory sanitizer (uninitialized memory reads)
- Thread sanitizer (data race detector)
Sanitizer 目前看起來 clang 都有支援 gcc 沒有 memory sanitizer,不過大多都只有在 Linux 環境下才支援。話雖如此,能用的話最好,畢竟這方法速度大概只會降到 1.5 ~ 2 倍左右,其實算是比較能接受的。
Mordern C++
雖然 C++ 11/14/17 到現在已經在討論 C++20 新增了許多新功能、函式庫...但是也有不少新增的標準是在程式中增加一些 tag 或是改善型別的處理方式讓程式更容易在編譯時期偵測到錯誤,這邊有舉例的是下面這些:- enum class (增加 enum 的型別強度)
- nullptr (明確出這是個 pointer type,而不是想以前用 NULL 這個數值代表)
- override, final (繼承體系好用)
- constexpr, static_assert (增加編譯時期的檢查、最佳化)
- [[no_discard]], [[fallthrough]] (同上,也算是提醒就是)
- STL containers and algorithm